Health & Safety Department

Accident / incident reporting

The University uses an online system, called 'Accidents and Incidents Reporting' (AIR) to manage our accident, incident and near miss records.

Reporting an accident, incident or dangerous occurrence at the University

Accident and incident reporting system

This form can be completed online and submitted electronically to report any accidents, incidents or dangerous occurrences.

QR code for the AIR system
QR code for the AIR system

Visitor or Contractor?

Please use the link above and follow the onscreen instructions on how to report an accident.

Guidance on completing the form

Full instructions on how to complete the online form is available on the accident system wiki.

Short video on how to use the online form to report an accident or incident

Please note the system has a refresh and looks different but the functionality is the same as the video below.


The Health and Safety department recommend completing the online "Investigating minor accidents and incidents" training course for staff who are responsible for investigating and reporting an accident, incident or near miss.  This can be found on People and Money, and the link below may be used to self-enrol on this course.

Self-enrol on Investigating minor accidents and incidents

Data Protection

Information on how the Health and Safety Department uses your details in relation to the Data Protection Act can be found on the AIR wiki page. This includes how to obtain a copy of your accident as well as guidance on the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurernces Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR). 

Related links