Health & Safety Department

Cardinus system

A suite of health and safety online courses from Cardinus Risk Management


  • Healthy Working (for regular computer/laptop users, includes full Display Screen Equipment (DSE) risk assessment) 
  • Fire Safety (replacing "Fire Safety Awareness" previously in LEARN) 
  • Safe Driving (if you drive as part of your University role)
  • Home Working: setting up your home work area (if you work from home at any time in your working week)

Recommended (if relevant to your role)

  • Manual Handling
  • Laboratory Ergonomics  

Further information on each course can be found by clicking on the course name available in the "Users" menu. 

These courses consist of a variety of training, quiz and risk assessment modules which take users through the fundamental safety aspects of these subjects.


Launching the courses

Users may log in to the Cardinus system by visiting 

Your local Cardinus Administrator may also send you an invitation to complete this training, by email.  Should you receive an email, please use the link provided in the email to access Cardinus (rather than the link above).  The system will automatically send you reminders if you do not action your Administrator's request.  These will cease when you complete what your Administrator has requested of you.

Guidance on how to use the system is available below and should be read before logging in for the first time. We recommend users use Chrome or Firefox to access their Cardinus training.

If you have any queries about Cardinus - please contact your local Cardinus Administrator - details can be found at



Information to aid staff in the use of the Cardinus systems.


Further information for the administrators of the system.

Log in

Link to access the Cardinus system