Moray House School of Education and Sport

Fees and funding

Find details of tuition fees and opportunities for scholarships and financial support for our Physical Activity for Health programme.

Tuition fees and costs

Annual tuition fees are listed on the Postgraduate Study Programme Fees pages related to your desired exit level and duration of study.

If you register to study on a 'part-time intermittent study' basis you will pay the academic tuition fees on a course-by-course basis, rather than paying for the entire programme at the outset. As fees change each year, your total cost will depend on the length of time taken to complete your programme.

For those who are intercalated medical students, there is a possibility that it could affect your future funding entitlements for your medicine degree. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to consult with your funding body to confirm how you will finance your intercalated year and ensure there are no implications for funding the rest of your undergraduate medical degree after intercalating.

Scholarships and funding

Scholarship opportunities are subject to change each year. We are pleased to offer a number of School-specific scholarships, but students are encouraged to seek out opportunities from the University and external funding bodies.

School Scholarships

Moray House Access Scholarship

Moray House School of Education and Sport is pleased to offer a scholarship covering tuition fees and living costs for one student. The scholarship is for UK national students from backgrounds or groups which are underrepresented in our School.

Moray House Access Scholarship

Moray House Country Scholarship

Moray House School of Education and Sport is pleased to offer five £10,000 scholarships to study a Master’s degree programme commencing in September 2024. These will be based on merit and available to applicants from the eligible countries.

Moray House Country Scholarship

University and external funding

GREAT scholarship: Mexico

One GREAT scholarship will be available to applicants from Mexico who apply for 2024 entry. This award is for £10,000 towards postgraduate taught (Masters) degree tuition. Further details on eligibility criteria and how to apply can be found on the GREAT scholarship website.

GREAT scholarship 2024: Mexico

India Merit Scholarship

The University is offering a new international scholarship for the most academically gifted Postgraduate Taught (PGT) Masters students applying from India. These awards cover £5,000 towards tuition fees for PGT Masters students studying on campus during the 2024/25 academic year. The Scholarships will be tenable for the first year of study only and will be automatically deducted from your student tuition fee balance.  

India Merit Scholarship

The University of Edinburgh Graduate Discount Scheme

The University offers a 10% discount in postgraduate degree tuition fees for alumni who have graduated with an undergraduate degree from the University of Edinburgh.

The University of Edinburgh Graduate Discount Scheme

Postgraduate Loans (SAAS) (Scotland and EU) 

Loans for tuition fees are available from SAAS for eligible Scotland domiciled and EU students as well as loans for living costs. Students living in England, Wales and Northern Ireland can apply to Student Finance England, Wales or Northern Ireland as appropriate for fee, grant and loan support.

Postgraduate Loans (SAAS) (Scotland and EU)

Professional and Career Development Loans (PCDL)

If you plan to complete this programme in 2 years or under, you may qualify for a government-supported Professional and Career Development Loan (PCDL). A number of banks are involved in the scheme, and the loans are granted at the discretion of the individual banks. Remember that you have to consider tuition fees as well as your living costs. If you decide to take out a loan to cover all or part of your postgraduate education, think very carefully about what you hope to gain from your studies and how you intend to pay off your debt.

Professional and Career Development Loans (on website)

Scholarships, loans and other funding

The University offers a range of scholarships, loans and funding schemes.

Scholarships, loans and other funding