Update on the University’s actions around investments
A statement from the Principal on the University's investments.
Following discussions with student protesters and staff, and my statement of 17 May, I wanted to provide an update on the three significant actions that we committed to – and which were agreed by University Executive – which we are now taking forward as a matter of urgency.
Invitations have been issued to members of a newly established Short Life Working Group. The group will undertake a rapid review of the definition of armaments and controversial weapons in the context of the University’s investments, and will provide recommendations which will inform the broader University consultation on the Responsible Investment Policy. The Terms of Reference will be published imminently which will set out the remit and membership of the group, who bring expertise from across the University. The group will be meeting three times over the next three weeks.
We have initiated conversations with a professional mediator, external to the University, who we hope will help us to have open and honest conversations, and make progress at pace.
We also committed to establishing a second working group, with similar University-wide input, which will consider our approach to investments in the international context, with regard to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment and our University’s values. The work of this group will form a crucial part of our wider consultation around our Responsible Investment Policy, which is open to all staff and students from 31 May. We will update you as soon as possible next week on progress around establishing this group.
As I mentioned in my previous statement, we are actively exploring with our investment advisers the potential for restrictions on new unit purchases of Alphabet and Amazon, pending the output of the working group.
As ever, it is my hope that this spirit of transparency and active debate will continue in our conversations around investments. We appreciate and value your input to date, and your ongoing contributions.
Professor Peter Mathieson
Principal and Vice-Chancellor
23 May 2024