Staff news

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Staff news articles published in 2024.

2024 UCAS results embargo

A view of Old College quad
This message contains important information on the 2024 Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) results embargo, which all University staff have a duty to uphold.

Room booking and timetable viewing systems replaced

Access to rooms: The Welcoming session in a classroom. Photo by Eve Redhead.
New systems for booking rooms and accessing teaching timetables will be in place from 22 July.

Staff benefits and discounts – what’s new?

The University's Old College quadrangle
The University continues to negotiate many discounts and benefits for staff, and we’d like to highlight some recent additions for you.

Fraud case

A man has been jailed for seven years for defrauding the University.

Career Ready call for mentors

Young professional women during a meeting
Staff are invited to mentor a young person and register interest in the 2024 - 2026 Career Ready programme.

Update for staff considering early retirement

Central campus aerial
Members of USS are reminded that on 1 October 2024, the USS Trustee is making some changes to the early retirement reduction factors.

Results: College professional services staff elections to Senate

The election of college professional services staff members to serve on the University’s supreme academic body, Senate, has concluded and new members will take up their roles on 1 August.

A statement from the University Court

The meeting of Court yesterday (Monday 17 June 2024) considered in detail our ongoing review of the definition of armaments and controversial weapons, as applied to the University’s investments.

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