Staff news

The University’s approach to responsible investment

A statement from the Principal on the University's investments.

Our students and staff have made it clear to us that we need to examine and update our approach to responsible investment. The encampment and staff protests have brought specific requests forward which were considered by the University Executive on 14 May and resulted in three actions which we have committed to undertaking as quickly as we are able.   

The most immediate action from the University Executive is the Short Life Working Group looking at work around the definition of armaments. This Group has now had its first meeting, with additional meetings scheduled over this week and next. The Group will reach a position, and from that there may be recommendations that will be considered by the University Executive and ultimately by the University Court. The work of this Group allows us, through robust assessment relevant to our investments generally rather than in relation to current concerns about any particular nation or region of the world, to challenge and improve our position as an institution which has a demonstrable commitment to the highest standards of responsibility and ethical principles.  

On the second Working Group, which will work in parallel to the Responsible Investment Policy Consultation (which opens on 31 May), we are working to define the remit and will issue invitations to prospective members of that Group shortly. 

At a meeting of the Exception Committee of the University Court yesterday evening, the actions agreed by the University Executive were supported. 

In addition, the Exception Committee also endorsed a decision to instruct our fund manager to make no new purchase in Alphabet and Amazon stock for a period of at least three months i.e. while the Responsible Investment Policy Consultation is running. 

We wish to progress meaningful dialogue with protestors and to that end have asked an independent mediator to support that aim. We strongly encourage the protestors to work with us on this so that any discussion can be as productive as possible. This is not a replacement to engagement but rather a proposal to facilitate discourse and dialogue for everyone’s benefit. We would appreciate confirmation that you are willing to engage with an independent mediator to support continued engagement. We continue to be particularly concerned for the health of those students on hunger strike.

We believe that we should continue to focus on what we can do to make a meaningful impact through our own institution’s actions while acknowledging the fact that our University will always be a place where different views exist.


Professor Peter Mathieson

Principal and Vice-Chancellor

30 May 2024