Staff news

Israel and Palestine: an update on the University’s response

As Scotland’s first University of Sanctuary, we have a proud tradition of providing continued access to education for displaced students and academic staff.

We have been taking forward a number of actions over the summer period through our Education Beyond Borders programme:

Education Beyond Borders

We have the largest programme of support of any UK university for academics at risk, supporting up to 10 fellows and their families each year. We are currently supporting one Palestinian fellow and their family, which included support for their family to leave Gaza, and we expect further placements to take place over the next year through our partnership with the Council for At-Risk Academics (Cara).

Our new Displaced Student Scholarship scheme will welcome its first postgraduate taught cohort in September, including a student from Palestine. Through Higher Education Scholarships for Palestinians (HESPAL) we will be supporting the next generation of senior academics from Palestinian universities through PhD and MSc programmes in 2025-26. We are also investigating how we can provide open educational resources for displaced students and academics.

We are continuing to explore additional opportunities with a range of UK and international organisations/partners for how we can work together to support higher education in Palestine. We are in contact with the Emergency Committee of Universities in Gaza which represents the universities of Al Aqsa, Al Azhar and the Islamic University of Gaza in response to their call for international support regarding higher education and research in Gaza. Earlier this month the Principal represented the University at a meeting at the Royal Society of Edinburgh to discuss what we and other institutions are already doing to support Palestinian academics and students, what more we could do, and what we can do in the future to contribute to rebuilding university infrastructure in Gaza.  

Safety in our community

Edinburgh has the most diverse international population of any Scottish university, something that we wholeheartedly celebrate:

Celebrating our multicultural community | The University of Edinburgh

In the run-up to the new academic year, concerns have been raised by several members of our University community about safety on campus, particularly in light of the recent riots in some parts of the UK. We constantly strive to ensure that all members of our community feel safe and included, and we have robust procedures in place to deal with any reports of discrimination, incitement, bullying or harassment. We have a number of University services available:

Support | A University of Sanctuary

While we support the right to take part in lawful, peaceful and respectful protest, we will be reminding student and staff groups of our expectations of behaviour and to treat others with dignity and respect, on campus and online.

EDI-Related Policies | Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Responsible investments

On 17 June the University Court considered the review of the definition of armaments and controversial weapons as part of our ongoing discussions with student and staff representatives around responsible investments. The second working group has been established to discuss our approach to investments in the international context, with regard to UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment and our University’s values. This group has been meeting throughout August, working in parallel with the Responsible Investment Policy consultation, which remains open until 30 August. The previously agreed pause in certain new direct stock investments continues.

Share your views on the University’s Responsible Investment Policy

A statement from the University Court (18 June 2024)

University Executive and Court will discuss our approach to responsible investment further at meetings in in September and October.

Support for students and staff

Full details of the support available to students and staff are listed on our University of Sanctuary webpages:

Israel and Palestine | A University of Sanctuary