Extra staff roadshow

An additional staff information roadshow is to be held in the Central Area in March.

The event will take place at the Playfair Library in Old College on 16 March.

Response to demand

The extra roadshow has been scheduled in response to the unexpected demand from staff to attend February’s Appleton Tower event.

This additional date will give those people who were previously unable to attend an extra opportunity to hear from the roadshow panel.

Alternatively, staff from the Central Area can attend the remaining February dates at other University sites.

A podcast of one of the sessions will shortly be available online.

Information and updates

Launched on 27 January, these roadshows provide staff with information and updates on University activity and future directions.

Topics covered include the University’s current financial position, the context of reductions in public funding, savings, growth, income stream diversification, estate matters, and topical issues relating to staff, including the removal of the retirement age.

March Central Area roadshow

Sandwich lunch will be from 12.30pm

Wednesday 16 March 2011, 11.30am-1.00pm

Playfair Library, Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh, EH8 9YL

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