Scottish school pupils help climate action in Nepal
Young people from ten Scottish primary schools have helped to counter the impact of climate change in Nepal.
The pupils, from all over Scotland, engaged online with Nepalese schoolchildren and local communities in order to build an understanding of the severe impact of climate change and find solutions to tackle the climate crisis.
As a result of the project, the Nepalese communities have implemented plastic free initiatives, anti-litter weeks, tree planting and rewilding programs.
The project, led by University of Edinburgh researchers, focused on the effect of climate change in Nepal in terms of less snow in the Himalayas, heavy rain fall in the plains, changes in weather patterns, and farmers struggling to make a living.
Young participants interviewed local elders about the real-world climate changes they have seen over their lifetimes and created sustainable artworks that tell their story of their changing climate.
It is hoped that underrepresented communities in Nepal will be given a voice in the climate debate and participants in Scotland will grow further appreciation for sustainable actions.
We have become much more aware of the environmental damage that is happening to our world caused by us. Hopefully we can start to make progress. Speaking to children that have seen the effects of climate change has really impressed upon us the magnitude of the problem at hand and has encouraged us to make an effort to give up bad habits and help the planet.
Engage Nepal with Science
The initiative, funded by the British Council, aims to empower Nepalese and Scottish communities to support each other in making real change, and in becoming positive role models to raise environmental awareness and inspire climate action, while building long-lasting bridges between their communities.
The project, Connecting the Climate Challenge: Partnering Communities in Scotland and Nepal, is an initiative of Engage Nepal with Science, an educational charity ran on a voluntary basis by staff from the Wellcome Centre for Cell Biology and Edinburgh Climate Change Institution, the University of Edinburgh; the Research Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology, Nepal; Tribhuvan University, Nepal, Teach for Nepal and the Midlothian Council.
It was inspired by, and supported through the British Council’s COP26 Creative Commissions for the Climate Call.
Across Scotland
Schools included in the programme included Levenmouth Academy, Fife; Dunblane Primary school, Stirling; Blackburn Primary School, Bathgate; Dunrossness Primary School, Shetland; Stobhill Primary school, Gorebridge; Trinity Primary School, Edinburgh; Gore Glen Primary School, Gorebridge; St Mary’s school, Melrose; Kirktonholme Primary, East Kilbride; and Albyn school, Aberdeen.
Getting to interact with students from the UK has made me more confident and boosted my leadership qualities. Moreover, performing scientific experiments related to the climate and environment have made me more aware of my surroundings. During the litter analysis, we found more plastic in our valley than we had imagined. So, we requested our community to reduce their use of plastic explaining them the reason.