College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine

Empathy, science and decision-making

Inaugural lecture of Professor Lisa Boden, Head of the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies.

Head and shoulders shot of Lisa Boden

Join Professor Lisa Boden to hear the story of her career in veterinary public health and population medicine.

Professor Boden will explore how encouraging empathy and communication between scientists and policy makers can result in better decision-making. She will discuss her career which has focussed on mitigating risks to human, animal and environmental health security and sustainability in the UK and in the Middle East (Syria).

Professor Lisa Boden is Chair of Population Medicine and Veterinary Public Health Policy, Head of the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and Dean of Veterinary Medicine.


Booking info

Wednesday 5 June, 5pm-6pm, followed by drinks reception.

Shirley Hall, Chancellor's Building, Edinburgh, EH16 4SB.

This is an in-person event only: it will not be live-streamed.

Book tickets