College of Medicine & Veterinary Medicine

Upcoming events

Forthcoming public lectures and talks from the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

Looking for a recording of a previous event? Visit our video collection.

Video collection

Inaugural lecture: Brain Waves

Purely decorative logo - the words "Brain waves" superimposed over a colorful image of the brain
An inaugural lecture showcase exploring neuroscience, brain development and neural networks. 18 September, 5pm.

Inaugural lecture: Food, Fowl and Family

An inaugural lecture showcase, exploring the intersections between human health and animal welfare. 8 October, 5-7.30pm.

Inaugural lecture: Shadows and Light

Close up of a butterfly amongst shadows, with the words "Shadows and Light"
An inaugural lecture showcase exploring the treatment of mental health conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder and psychosis. 6 November, 5pm.

Inaugural lecture: Equity and Ageing

A sand timer in shadow on the floor, with words "Equity and Ageing"
An inaugural lecture showcase from the Usher Institute exploring how an ageing population is challenging health and social care. 21 November, 5.15pm.

Around the College

Upcoming lectures and seminars happening around the College.