Centre for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World

Dr Elvire Corboz

Elvire Corboz is Lecturer in Contemporary Islam and the Middle East, and Deputy Director of the Alwaleed Centre.

Dr Elvire Corboz

Elvire Corboz is Lecturer in Contemporary Islam and Middle East in the Department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies and Deputy Director of the Alwaleed Centre.

She first studied Arabic and Islamic Studies (along with her other major in musicology) in Switzerland at the University of Geneva. She then earned an MPhil in modern Middle Eastern Studies, followed by a DPhil in Oriental Studies (2010), both from the University of Oxford. Before coming to Edinburgh, she worked as postdoctoral research associate and lecturer at Princeton University (2011-2013), lecturer at Rutgers University (2013-2014), and assistant professor at Aarhus University.

Dr Corboz's research interests are in contemporary Shi‘ism, with a particular focus on the Shi‘i clerical establishment and its transnational networks, Iraqi Shi‘i Islamism, as well as Shi‘i communities and institutions in the United Kingdom.  She is also interested in the study of Sunni-Shi'i relations, especially in European contexts.

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