IGC Graduate Research & Training

Institute of Genetics and Cancer Early Career Award

Applications now closed for 2023.

IGMM early career award

About the Programme

The Institute of Genetics and Cancer Early Career Award provides researchers with experience, training and practice in applying for grants. It is recommended that applicants discuss their grant proposals with PIs or mentors and attend an IAD course (e.g. Attracting Your Own Research Funding: Writing & Applying for Fellowships).

Funds are awarded via a competitive process. Applications are now closed and applicants will be contacted at the end of August 2023.

The award will support

  • Pump-priming research projects to attract future grant support
  • Funds for consumables and access to equipment for specific experiments
  • Support for visiting other labs to undertake specific research
  • Funds for conferences or training course related to a specific project
  • Translation of research ideas for commercialisation

The award will not support

  • Applications that are not related to specific research projects
  • Applications for funding that are incremental and will happen anyway
  • Proposals where costings are vague and not project related
  • PhD student top ups

Proposals will be assessed on

Importance and clarity of research question

Imagination of the proposal and how it can change your research

Potential for developing your career and facilitating additional research funding

Translation potential

Feasibility in time period and resources requested

Value of awards

Grants awarded will generally be less than £3000 but could be more in exceptional circumstances.

Hastie Career Advancement Fund

We will also be awarding grants from the Hastie Career Advancement Fund. This fund was setup to support the Institute postdocs transition to independence. Applications should be made through the Early Career Award application process, with the same rules, and one or two successful applicants at a suitable career stage will be awarded a grant from the Hastie Career Advancement Fund. As part of this award students will get the opportunity to present their work to Nick Hastie and get his help, career advice and support.


PhD students and postdoctoral scientists.


Funding should be spent within 1 year of the award.

Application procedure

The deadline for applications is 5pm, 9th June 2023. Applicants are required to complete the Application Form, append a statement of support from their supervisor or mentor and submit one electronic copy of the documentation to student-admin@igc.ed.ac.uk. Paper copies will not be accepted.

Application form

We will send a confirmation to say your application has been received. Applications will assessed by an Institute-wide panel

As explained in the award letter successful applicants who receive an award are required to submit a 1-2 page report.

For further information please contact nick.gilbert@ed.ac.uk