Human Resources

Universities Retired Staff Association

Membership of URSA and how it works.


Membership of the Universities Retired Staff Association (URSA) is open to retired staff (and their partners) of the University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt University. The aims of the Association are to promote the fellowship and well-being of retired members of staff and to maintain their interest in University affairs.


Meetings, with a speaker, are held monthly from October to April on Tuesday afternoons at 2.30pm in the Chaplaincy Centre, 1 Bristo Square (opposite McEwan Hall).

During the session there are also three visits to local places of interest, a summer outing in June and a Christmas lunch.

There are three newsletters sent out per year.


Membership Type Single Joint (with Partner)
One off membership joining fee £5.00 £7.50
Annual subscription £7.00 £10.00

If you wish to apply for membership for the current session, please complete the application form available below and forward it with your cheque to the Treasurer at the address on the form.

If you have any other queries, or wish to be sent a paper copy of the form, now or at some time in the future, please email the Chair, Nina MacKinnon

Programme 2024/25





08 Oct

Christine Murdie, “Life as an ORCA Ocean Conservationist”

12 Nov

Elizabeth Cumming, “Phyllis M Bone: Animal Sculptor”

19 Nov

Afternoon visit

03 Dec

Ruth Boreham, “Who Do You Think You Are?”

09 Dec

Christmas Lunch – Royal Scots Club





14 Jan

Mike Lewis, “History of the Edinburgh Festival”

11 Feb

Kath Hay, “The Shetland Bus

11 Mar

Mike Scott & Eddie Banks, “The Colinton Tunnel Mural Project

18 Mar

Afternoon visit

22 Apr

AGM and Re-appraisal Meeting

06 May

Afternoon visit

11 June

Summer Outing 


Past events