School of History, Classics & Archaeology

Research seminars includes


American History events 2018/19 *INCLUDE*

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology hosts seminars throughout the academic year, which are open to all.

American History events 2019/20 *INCLUDE*

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology hosts seminars throughout the academic year, which are open to all.

American History events 2019/20 *INCLUDE*

The American History workshops take place throughout the academic year and which are open to all.

American History events 2021/22 *INCLUDE*

The American History workshops take place throughout the academic year and which are open to all.

American History events 2022/23 *INCLUDE*

The American History workshops take place throughout the academic year and which are open to all.

American History events 2020/21 *INCLUDE*

The American History workshops take place throughout the academic year and which are open to all.

American History events 2023/34 *INCLUDE*

The American History workshops take place throughout the academic year and which are open to all.

One Health Archaeology seminars 2019/20 *INCLUDE*

The One Health Archaeology Research Group offers a seminar series, to which all are welcome.

One Health Archaeology seminars 2020/21 *INCLUDE*

The One Health Archaeology Research Group offers a seminar series, to which all are welcome.

One Health Archaeology seminars 2021/22 *INCLUDE*

The One Health Archaeology Research Group offers a seminar series, to which all are welcome.

One Health Archaeology seminars 2022/23 *INCLUDE*

The One Health Archaeology Research Group offers a seminar series, to which all are welcome.

Archaeology seminars *INCLUDE*

The Archaeology research seminars take place weekly on Thursdays at 6pm and are open to all.

Archaeology seminars 2018 *INCLUDE*

The Archaeology research seminars take place weekly, usually on Thursdays at 18.00, and are open to all.

Archaeology seminars 2019/20 *INCLUDE*

The Archaeology research seminars take place weekly and are open to all.

Archaeology seminars 2020/21 Semester 1 *INCLUDE*

The Archaeology research seminars take place weekly and are open to all.

Archaeology seminars 2021/22*INCLUDE*

The Archaeology research seminars take place weekly and are open to all.

Archaeology seminars 2022/23*INCLUDE*

The Archaeology research seminars take place weekly and are open to all.

ArchSoc Archaeology seminars 2023/24*INCLUDE*

The ArchSoc Archaeology research seminars take place weekly and are open to all.

Archaeology seminars 2022/23*INCLUDE*

The Archaeology research seminars take place weekly and are open to all.

Conflict Archaeology seminars 2020/21 Semester *INCLUDE*

The Conflict Archaeology research seminars are organised by the Conflict Archaeology Research Group.

Conflict Archaeology seminars 2021/22 Semester *INCLUDE*

The Conflict Archaeology research seminars are organised by the Conflict Archaeology Research Group.

Archaeology seminars 2019/20 *INCLUDE*

The Archaeology research seminars take place weekly, usually on Thursdays at 18.00, and are open to all.

Mediterranean Archaeology seminars 2019/20 *INCLUDE*

The Mediterranean Archaeology research seminars take place weekly, Mondays at 1.00pm, and are open to all.

Mediterranean Archaeology seminars 2019/20 Sem 2 *INCLUDE*

The Mediterranean Archaeology research seminars take place weekly, Mondays at 1.00pm, and are open to all.

Archsoc seminars *INCLUDE*

Edinburgh University Archaeology Society (ArchSoc) host regular research seminars throughout the academic year, which are open to all.

Archsoc seminars 2019/20 *INCLUDE*

Edinburgh University Archaeology Society (ArchSoc) host regular research seminars throughout the academic year, which are open to all.

Archsoc seminars 2022/23 *INCLUDE*

Edinburgh University Archaeology Society (ArchSoc) host regular research seminars throughout the academic year, which are open to all.

Byzantine Studies seminars *INCLUDE*

Explore research around rich cultures in a seminal period of world history with the Byzantine Studies seminars. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Byzantine Studies seminars 20/21 *INCLUDE*

Explore research around rich cultures in a seminal period of world history with the Byzantine Studies seminars. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Byzantine Studies seminars 21/22 *INCLUDE*

Explore research around rich cultures in a seminal period of world history with the Byzantine Studies seminars. Everyone is welcome to attend.