
We will become a zero carbon and zero waste University

Developing and pioneering approaches to deliver a zero carbon and circular economy, protecting and enhancing biodiversity.

Carbon emissions

The University’s Climate Change Strategy, sets out the significant steps it will take to achieve its net zero carbon commitment by 2040.

Energy efficiency

ECA roof solar panels - Estates staff, photographer: Mark K Jackson
Since 2016/17 the University has invested £8 million in 115 energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.

Business travel

Edinburgh tram
The Sustainable Travel Policy was agreed in March 2021 and was implemented in January 2022. It sets out how all local, national and international travel taken on behalf of the University should take place.

Campus travel

Cycling at Kings Buildings, Photographer: Douglas Robertson
The combination of hybrid working in the first part of the year, then the second lockdown in the second part of the year meant that carbon emissions from commuter travel were massively reduced.

Waste and reuse

Estates - waste recycling bin, Photographer: Mark K Jackson
Since the end of March 2020, the numbers of staff and students on campus reduced drastically due to Covid-19 pandemic, and this has had an impact on the amount of waste being produced across the academic estate for this academic year.

Responsible investments and procurement

People not profit sign
The University completed its divestment from fossil fuels, marking a significant milestone in its journey to become net zero carbon by 2040.


Wild flowers University estate Jonathan Long
Projects to increase biodiversity and improve adaptation to climate change resulted in the University winning a "Campus of the Future" Award at the annual Green Gown Awards.

Good Food

Good Food is food and drink that is tasty, healthy, good for the environment and good for the people who make it.