Student news

Supporting ‘first in family’ students

You may have noticed staff members across the University wearing a ‘First in Family’ badge.

These are part of a campaign to support any of our students who are the first in their family to attend University.  

Being the first in your family to attend university, without anyone in your family having prior experience, can mean students need additional support from their chosen institution. 

The University of Edinburgh has a wide range of resources to help students in this position to thrive, from counselling to financial support. You can find information on all of these services on the student webpages: 

Services and support 

These badges have been provided to staff, should they wish to wear them, to highlight to students just how many people across the institution can understand their experience and are there to support them on their journey.  

Any staff member who chooses to wear this badge has not taken on a formal role. It means they are happy to be a role model, a listening ear, or simply a friendly face.