Edinburgh Imaging

13 Aug 21. Webinar: Prevention of Stroke & Dementia

Edinburgh Imaging’s Professor Joanna Wardlaw will be speaking at an upcoming World Stroke Organisation Stroke Prevention webinar.

Date & time:

17 Aug 21, 12:00 CEST



Registration: Click here for further information


Speakers & topics are listed below:


The WSO Declaration & what it means Prof. M. Brainin, Austria
Ongoing clinical Studies for primary prevention Prof. S. Martins, Brazil
What proof is urgently needed to take action on a global scale Prof. C. Anderson, Australia
Research results & what they matter to the public Prof. J. Wardlaw, UK


Please find further information on the webinar, here.



Social media tags & titles

Edinburgh Imaging’s Professor Joanna Wardlaw will be speaking at an upcoming World Stroke Organisation Stroke Prevention webinar.

@WorldStrokeOrg @WorldStrokeEd @EdinUniBrainSci