Foundation Apprenticeships

Entry requirements for applicants with Foundation Apprenticeships.

We accept selected Foundation Apprenticeships, in combination with SQA Highers, for entry to our degrees.

We accept Foundation Apprenticeships in the following subjects:

  • Accountancy 
  • Business Skills
  • Civil Engineering
  • Creative and Digital Media
  • Engineering
  • Financial Services
  • Food and Drink Technologies
  • IT: Hardware / System Support
  • IT: Software Development
  • Scientific Technologies
  • Social Services and Healthcare
  • Social Services: Children and Young People


You can use a Foundation Apprenticeship in one of the accepted subjects to meet the grades listed in either our standard or minimum entry requirements.

Your Foundation Apprenticeship will take the place of one SQA Higher qualification and will be treated as equivalent to a grade A at Higher. Only one Foundation Apprenticeship will be considered on an application, alongside at least three SQA Highers. We will not consider a Higher and a Foundation Apprenticeship in the same subject separately.

Required subjects

Some of our degrees require an SQA Higher in a specific subject.

You cannot use a Foundation Apprenticeship to take the place of a required subject. For example, if a degree specifically states that you must have achieved grade B in Higher Mathematics, a Foundation Apprenticeship in Engineering would not be accepted as a replacement for Higher Mathematics.

You can find the specific subject requirements for your degree in the degree finder: look for the "required subjects" section under the entry requirements.

Degree finder

SQA National 5s required for entry

We require you to achieve some specific subjects to at least National 5 level.

SQA National 5 requirements

Entry requirements

You should have achieved (or be predicted to achieve) our entry requirements, including required subjects, for the degree you have applied for.

For some degrees, we may be able to consider all applicants who meet the entry requirements. For highly selective degrees we may only be able to consider candidates who exceed the requirements, as these degrees attract many highly qualified applicants.

You can use our degree finder to find entry requirements.

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