Fee status and admissions

Each application undergoes an initial screening so we can check your tuition fee status.



Any offer of admission is made based on your tuition fee status. Competition for places may differ in different fee status categories and we will review your application in relation to other applicants who have the same fee status as you.  We may withdraw an offer if your fee status changes.

About fee status

Like other UK universities, we charge different fees depending on your tuition fee status.

Your tuition fee status is determined by your nationality and the country where you normally live.

Your fee status may be:

  • Home-Scotland
  • Home-RUK/ROI (England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland)
  • EU/EEA pre/settled (Scotland)
  • EU/EEA Overseas
  • Overseas (the rest of the world)

What is my fee status?

Applicants from Scotland

Applicants from Scotland apply for a restricted number of Government-funded places.

For most subjects we receive far more applications than there are places available.

Where there are restrictions on the number of places the University can make available, competition for places is often extremely high.

Applicants from the rest of the UK (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) and Republic of Ireland

Applicants from England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland apply for a number of places that is not restricted by the Government.

However, due to limited capacity and the high volume of applications received, competition for places is often very high.

International applicants

Those applicants who do not qualify for Scotland or rest of UK/Republic of Ireland (RUK/ROI) fee status apply for an unrestricted number of places but must pay the full (or ‘overseas’) fee.

However, due to limited capacity and the high volume of applications received, competition for places for some of our degrees is very high.

Applicants from the European Union

Your fee status depends on your circumstances and what ongoing agreements exist between the UK and your country.

For further information, please see our detailed information.

EU students: your fee status

Graduate applications

All graduate applicants to Veterinary Medicine and all applicants to the Law Graduate Entry degree pay full fees.

Admissions statistics

You can find information on the ratio of applications, offers and accepted applicants for each of our degrees in our admissions statistics.