Sean Bankier

Thesis title: Cortisol Responsive Gene Networks in Cardiovascular Disease

Research summary

The focus of my research is to understand how individual genetic variation is related to the prevalence of complex traits and disease within populations. Using systems genetics approaches, I look at how genetic variation for the stress hormone cortisol influences cardiovascular disease through changes in gene expression in a tissue specific manner.


Crawford, A.A., Bankier, S., Altmaier, E. et al. Variation in the SERPINA6/SERPINA1 locus alters morning plasma cortisol, hepatic corticosteroid binding globulin expression, gene expression in peripheral tissues, and risk of cardiovascular disease. J Hum Genet (2021).

Conference details

EMBO 2018 - European Conference on Computational Biology (Athens, Greece)

Poster - Tissue-specific Consequences of Genetic Variation Influencing Plasma Cortisol: Towards Network Analysis

India | EMBO Symposium 2019 - Regulatory epigenomics: From large data to useful models (Chennai, India)

Poster - Cortisol Responsive Gene Networks in Cardiovascular Disease

E-ATCG Meeting 2019 - Edinburgh Alliance for Complex Trait Genetics (Edinburgh, UK)

Oral presentation - Cortisol Responsive Gene Networks in Cardiovascular Disease

MR Conference 2019 - 4th International Mendelian randomization conference (Bristol, UK)

Oral presentation - Causal inference for the reconstruction of cortisol responsive gene networks

EMBO | EMBL Symposium 2019 - Systems Genetics: From Genomes to Complex Traits (Heidelberg, Germany)

Poster - Causal inference approaches for the reconstruction of cortisol responsive gene networks

SfE BES 2019 - British Endocrinology Society Annual Meeting (Brighton, UK)

Oral presentation - Common variants in the gene encoding corticosteroid binding globulin influence cortisol-responsive gene networks in human adipose tissue