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Name Role Business unit(s)
Gloria Andrada de gregorio VPG Philosophy
Cat Andrade-Robertsen Education Programmes Coordinator
Jason Andreas Student Support Officer - Health in Social Science
Dr Georgia Andreopoulou Academic Physiotherapist
Sam Andres Research Annotator
Katie Andreucetti Finance Officer
Dr Mary Andrew Honorary Fellow
Ruth Andrew Personal Chair of Pharmaceutical Endocrinology
Bea Andrews
Jack Andrews Clinical Research Fellow
Jane Andrews Child Life and Health Administrator & Undergraduate Administrator
Professor Richard Andrews
Dr Valentina Andries Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Souzana Angel
Lexie Angelo
Dr Charalampos Angelopoulos Energy Engineer
Professor Michael Angold Professor Emeritus of Byzantine History
Anjali Anna Ernest
Dr Cate Anstoter Christina Miller Fellow
Egle Morta Antanaviciute