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Name Role Business unit(s)
Bastien Rioux MD, MSc, FRCPC
Jeannette Rissmann Head of Languages for All, Teaching Fellow (German)
Adrian Ritchie Senior Research Assistant
Claire Ritchie Secondment Teaching Fellow (Chemistry)
Lisa Ritchie Events and Funding Officer
Mark Ritchie Deputy Director of Applications & Head of Project Services
Sarah Lane Ritchie PhD Candidate in Science and Religion (Systematic Theology)
Jonathan Rittmo PhD Psychology
Michele Riva Service Manager
Raquel Rivas-Rojas Tutor in Spanish
Karim Rivera Lares PhD Psychology
Irfa Rizwan
Mr Cesare Rizzo Learning Technician
Dr Roberto Rizzo Post-doctoral Research Associate
Mrs Antonia Robb SEBI Administrator and PA for Professor Andy Peters.
Chris Robb Teaching Technician
Jeremy Robbins Forbes Chair of Hispanic Studies
Abbie Roberts Internal Medicine Veterinary Nurse
Dr Colin Roberts Lecturer in Economics
Debbie Roberts Senior Lecturer