David Henderson
Quantitative Research Fellow
- Usher Institute
- Centre for Population Health Sciences
- Primary Care Multimorbidity Research Group
Contact details
- Email: david.henderson@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Usher Institute – University of Edinburgh
Old Medical School
Teviot Place - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH8 9AG
I am a Quantitative Research Fellow in the primary care and multimorbidity research group at the Centre for Population Health Sciences where I am responsible for conducting the quantitative elements of the Transforming primary care in Scotland and China project (https://www.ed.ac.uk/usher/primary-care-multimorbidity/projects/transforming-primary-care-in-scotland-and-china). I am also a registered nurse.
My research experience is in analysis of large cross-sectoral administrative data and, as part of my PhD, lead the first national linkage of health and social care data sources in the UK. I continued to analyse this data as part of my previous role with the Scottish Centre for Adiminstrative Data Research. My research interests are in multimorbidity and health inequalities with a particular focus on access to health and social care services.
My clinical experience is in acute medicine, including critical care, and NHS24 unscheduled care/telephone triage. in 2012 I was awarded an Early Career Clinical Fellowship by NHS Education for Scotland. As part of this fellowship I completed a Masters in Health Research from the University of Stirling.
Prior to my nursing and research careers I had careers in HM Forces and TV & Film Drama production.
davidhen_cv.pdfResponsibilities & affiliations
Member of a steering group for National Care Service rapid review of evidence conducted by Public Health Scotland on Nordic and Scandinavian social care models.
Member of the Chief Medical Officer/Chief Nursing Officer Data and Analytics Steering Group for Care Homes and Social Care set-up during 2020 pandemic.
Adult Nurse registered with the Nursing & Midwifery Council
Current PhD students supervised
Lucie Wöllenstein: An evaluation of homelessness prevention for single adults in Scotland using predictive modelling on administrative datasets. School of Health & Social Care. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
Current project grants
• Tweed, E., Craig, P., Mayor, C., Henderson, D., Brown, D., Allik, M., Pell, J., Watson, N., Meier, P. (2021) Unlocking data to inform public health policy and practice: decision-maker perspectives on the use of cross-sectoral data as part of a whole-systems approach. National Institute for Health Research. ref:NIHR133585. £147,893.60 https://dev.fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/award/NIHR133585
*Blane, D., Henderson, D., Lunan, C., Mercer, SW. (2021) Responses to the Inverse Care Law in Scotland. The Health Foundation. ref:2746270 £98,925 https://www.health.org.uk/funding-and-partnerships/programmes/responses-...
Past project grants
PhD funding
• Henderson, D. Multimorbidity and social care: exploiting emerging data sources in Scotland (2015). Economic & Social Research Council.