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Name Role Business unit(s)
Shannon Vallor Professor
Dr Tereza Eva Valny Lecturer
Serena Valori HR Administrative Assistant
Theresa Valtin Marketing & Communications Manager
Ailsa Vamplew Admissions Operations Manager
Edwin van Beek SINAPSE Chair of Clinical Radiology
Dr Jenny van Bekkum Daphne Jackson Research Fellow
Linda Van Bergen Lecturer
Gary Van Breda Analyst Developer
Bram van Bunnik Core Scientist - Quantitative Predictive Epidemiology
Elaine van Dalen Teaching Fellow Islamic History
Louie Van De Lagemaat Bioinformatician, University of Aberdeen, collaborating with University of Edinburgh, Little France campus
Gerlinde Van de Walle Professor and Chair of Veterinary Pathobiology
Dr Elise van der Heijden Postdoctoral Scientist
Jolene Van Der Mescht PhD Psychology
Sarah Van Eyndhoven PhD Linguistics & English Language
Marlou Van gendt
Gabi van Stralen
Claudia Van Zadelhoff Combined Internship/Residency in Equine Diagnostic Imaging
Elizabeth Vander Meer Research & Policy Manager (Climate Resilience and Biodiversity)