Christina Gorbacheva

Thesis title: Moving more for mental well-being in menopause: development of workplace intervention strategies


My working background is focused on encouraging effective communication, people development and empowerment, and creating environments that support wellbeing, promote efficiency and value creativity.

I worked with my current project collaborator, Scottish Action for Mental Health, within a mental health, addictions and homelessness support service and have a strong interest in supporting people throughout mental health challenges. I hold certification for Agile Leadership and Management which focuses on effective leadership and team cohesion in times of change and uncertainty, and am trained in using self-harm, suicide and overdose intervention tools.

I am also committed to improving physical fitness, stress resilience and cognitive endurance.

My current focus is directing this experience and skills to develop physical activity workplace intervention tools for improving women’s mental wellbeing during the experience of menopausal lifestage.


Psychology with counselling, BSc Hons

Responsibilities & affiliations

British Psychological Society, GMBPSS


Current research interests

Menopause and menstrual health, physical activity, workplace interventions, behavioural change

Past research interests

Philosophy of Mind and Psychology of Perception, Critical discourse psychology

Affiliated research centres