Edinburgh Oceans

Our Research

The University of Edinburgh has a long and proud tradition of ocean research leadership, extending back to the pioneering HMS Challenger expedition (1872-76) led by Sir Charles Wyville Thomson during his time as Regius Chair of Natural History. Today, marine and ocean sciences remain to be a strong component of the University of Edinburgh’s research portfolio across all three of the University of Edinburgh's Colleges.

Ecology, Biology & Epidemiology

The University of Edinburgh is actively involved in cutting-edge research within ecology, biology, and epidemiology fields.

Law, Policy & Ocean Governance

Scottish Parliament
Our researchers are actively engaged with ocean policy and governance research as well as policy integration initiatives.

Aquaculture Genetics & Health

The University of Edinburgh has world-leading expertise in aquaculture genetics and health.

Marine Energy Engineering & Environment

An offshore wind far being constructed.
University of Edinburgh researchers have expertise crossing both engineering and ecological aspects of marine energy systems.

Marine Robotics & Sensor Development

The University of Edinburgh is at the forefront of bridging the gap between oceanography and robotics.

Oceans & Society

The University of Edinburgh has an internationally recognised community of social science and humanities researchers.

Palaeoceanography & Climate Records

Marine sediment sample
The University of Edinburgh is striving to better understand past, present, and future climate and ocean conditions.

Ice-Ocean Interactions & the polar oceans

Image of the Amundsen research expedition to the Canadian Arctic.
The University of Edinburgh has substantial and broad-ranging expertise in studying polar oceans and ice-ocean interactions.

Ocean Observation & Modelling

Image of remote sensing analysis of the ocean.
Our researchers contribute towards ocean observation endeavours to inform conservation and management decisions of the global ocean.

Geomorphology & Coastal Dynamics

The outside of St Abbs Marine Station in St Abbs Scotland.
At the University of Edinburgh, researchers are investigating the geomorphology and dynamics of coastal areas.