Edinburgh Research Office

Developing impact within your research proposal

Research funders would like to see how your research has the potential to benefit society beyond academia, and what you intend to do to make this happen.

Resources on engagement and impact

The funder guidance will provide detail on how they would like to see impact reflected in the application. We have created some resources that provide generic tips on how to develop engagement and impact; what costs you may include, and how to evidence impact from your work.

Read all resources on the Engagement for Impact Hub

Crafting a pathways to impact using a theory of change approach

The theory of change approach is now widely used in international development funded work including from UKRI. It is also used in some other challenge led calls for research.

We have developed a toolkit to assist you in writing your pathways to impact using a theory of change approach.

Download Toolkit: Crafting your Pathways to Impact using a Theory of Change approach

From the blog

Engagement and impact on our blog

How our team works with you

Research Engagement and Impact Team