A working group has created a draft British Sign Language (BSL) plan for 2018-2024.
The draft plan and a response form are available at the following link: https://edin.ac/2nVsTQv
Get involved
Comments on the draft BSL plan can be submitted at a public meeting on Wednesday 22 August, or by completing an online survey.
In the survey, you can use written English and /or upload BSL clips to respond.
The deadline for responses to the draft BSL plan is Thursday 27 September.
Public meeting
A consultation meeting will be held on Wednesday 22 August between 1.30 - 4pm in Paterson's Land, Room 1.18, University of Edinburgh, EH8 8AQ.
BSL / English interpreters and refreshments will be available.
Members of the BSL working group will be taking comments on different sections of the plan, which will be feed into the revised final plan.