Student news

Expanded lecture recording system

The University has committed to significantly extending the coverage of its lecture recording system in order to enhance the student experience, deliver consistency and simplify IT systems.

System upgrade

Currently, lecture recording facilities are available in around 100 rooms and used by colleagues in a variety of ways to support learning and teaching.

The new project aims to extend coverage by rolling out lecture recording to around 400 rooms over the next three years, and to create a collection of recordings for students to access in support of their study and revision.

Study tool

The ability to watch lectures again as a revision aid is popular with students, and video or audio recordings of lectures will supplement the rich set of online resources already on offer to support learning.

There are many proven benefits to making recordings of lectures available, including supporting students for whom English is not a first language and ensuring that lectures are available in an alternative format for students who require it.

Not having to take notes at speed allows students to focus more on what is being said and use valuable contact time to ask questions, knowing that notes can be reviewed and improved later. 

There is often no fallback if lectures are missed through illness or accident. Providing recordings of lectures can also be a key element in supporting student wellbeing.

There is no University plan to use recordings as part of performance reviews, nor to use recordings as a replacement for teaching; they will be used only as an enhancement resource for learning and teaching.

The project

The procurement project is underway and the system will begin operation for the start of the 2017/18 academic year.

News of the new lecture capture system has been welcomed by EUSA, and two student representatives will join the formal procurement team to help evaluate potential suppliers.

Information about existing lecture recording pilots is available at:

Further information about the project is available at: