Student wellbeing workshops

Feeling the pressure? Attending one of our workshops can help you to improve your wellbeing.

Student smiling

Our workshops cover a wide range of topics aimed at promoting a positive approach to your work and university life. All students are welcome to come along - no booking is necessary.

Rather than suggesting specific study skills and methods, the workshops will look at the stress and anxiety that can be attached to your life at university, and help you find ways to manage this calmly and confidently.

Each session will include a presentation from a trained facilitator, as well as small group discussions and individual exercises for reflection and practice. You will also be given a resource pack which can be used to further develop your confidence and wellbeing after the session.

Workshop Dates and Times
Date Time Workshop topic
11 November 2013 4pm Exam success
13 November 2013 4pm Under pressure!
14 November 2013 4pm Mind the (confidence) gap
15 November 2013 4pm “I’ll start tomorrow…”
2 December 2013 4pm Under pressure!
4 December 2013 4pm “I’ll start tomorrow…”
4 December 2013 4.30pm Exam success
6 December 2013 4pm How to get on with people

Each session will be held in room 3.16 of the Main Library in George Square.

Student Counselling Service

The workshops will be facilitated by members of the Student Counselling Service.

The service supports students to better understand themselves and enhance their happiness. Workshops are only one of the ways in which the Student Counselling Service can support you.

For more information on the Student Counselling Service, please visit their webpages.

Support for Online Distance Learners

The Student Counselling Service also provides support for students that are not based in Edinburgh. Find out more about the email counselling service: