Run your own Innovative Learning Week event

Do something different this Innovative Learning Week - design and run your own creative learning event.

Each February, the University of Edinburgh hosts Innovative Learning Week (ILW). For five days, Schools replace lectures and tutorials with a whole range of inventive ways to learn something new.

ILW2013 saw over 200 inspiring events - including Japanese tea ceremonies; data hacking for Skyscanner; TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh; and careers advice from successful Edinburgh alumna, Stella Rimington.

Whether by yourself, with friends or as part of a student society, this is the perfect opportunity to showcase your interests - and you could receive a grant of up to £500 to run your event.

Student making fire

What sort of event could I organise?

How do you best like to learn? What experiences would benefit you and your fellow students - and be fascinating and fun? We are looking for innovative events which can be delivered in a creative and engaging way.

Your event can be on any theme at all, whatever your interests may be - we just ask that you identify a specific graduate attribute which all student participants will be able to develop during the event. More information on Graduate Attributes is available in the Student Bidding Guidelines.

You could decide to run any sort of engaging, interactive, creative event. For example:

  • Art, design or engineering challenges
  • Online projects or competitions
  • Dragon’s Den style events
  • Fieldtrips
  • Events that are inter-disciplinary
  • Events with a global outlook, like TEDx

How to apply

To apply to run your own event, fill out the application form which can be found on the ILW Event Funding page. Applications must be submitted to by 5pm on Friday 8 November 2013.

Win a £50 HMV voucher

Like the ILW Facebook page and tell us what your fantasy ILW event would be - to be in with a chance of winning a £50 HMV voucher. The competition is open to current students and will close on 18 October.

Innovative Learning Week

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Innovative Learning Week