Professor Oliver, a surgeon at the Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, is associated with the Physical Activity for Health Research Centre within Moray House School of Education.
He has led the development of innovative physical activity projects at community, national and international levels, and has contributed to curriculum development in the teaching of physical activity for health.
He has been an advocate of physical activity since he lost 12 stone after weight-loss surgery in 2007. In 2013 he cycled 3,500 miles across the USA.
Orthopaedic surgeon
Professor Oliver has been a specialist consultant trauma orthopaedic upper limb surgeon at the Royal Infirmary Edinburgh since 1997. He trained in orthopaedic and trauma surgery in London, Yorkshire, Shropshire, Seattle and Oxford.
He was a member of council of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 2002-12, where he was also Director of Informatics and more recently Convener of Examinations.
He led the modernisation of surgical examinations, especially at Intercollegiate Membership of Royal College Surgeons level, both in the UK and worldwide. He has quality assured surgical exams worldwide.