Professor Chadwick is currently an Individual Merit Research Scientist at the British Geological Survey.
He is Principal Investigator on the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funded Diagnostic Seismic Toolbox for Efficient Control of CO2 Storage (DiSECCS) project.
Professor Chadwick has more than thirty years’ experience in seismic geophysics, structural geology and basin analysis.
Since 1998 he has become increasingly involved with underground CO2 storage, participating in a number of European research projects and others funded by UK and overseas governments, research councils and industry.
With an interest in storage site performance prediction and monitoring, Professor Chadwick’s current research includes quantitative analysis of time-lapse seismic data to characterise CO2 plumes.
He is also working on history-matched flow modelling to understand detailed modes of CO2 migration in reservoirs.
Professor Chadwick studied MSc Geology at the University of Oxford and PhD Geophysics at the University of Durham.
He has published more than 150 scientific papers and books, including more than 60 on carbon capture and storage.
He has advised a number of national and international regulatory bodies and is particularly interested in developing pragmatic integrated monitoring systems and strategies for industrial-scale storage sites to meet anticipated regulatory requirements.
His other interests include mountaineering, photography and real ale.