Personal Chair: Susan Hardman Moore

Susan Hardman Moore has been made a Personal Chair of Early Modern Religion.

M AA 131111 Personal Chair: Susan Hardman Moore

She is Professor of Early Modern Religion in the University’s School of Divinity.

After graduating in Theology from the University of Cambridge, she completed an MA in Religion at Yale University.

This was followed by a PhD in History at the University of Kent under the supervision of the late Patrick Collinson.

Professor Harman Moore held academic posts at the Universities of Durham and Edinburgh (from 1987 to 1991), then at King’s College London. She returned to the University in 2000.

She has twice held visiting appointments at Yale University.

Her research focuses on puritanism in England and New England, and Reformed theology and spirituality in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Professor Hardman Moore has published three books: ‘Pilgrims: New World Settlers and the Call of Home’ (2007); ‘The Diary of Thomas Larkham’ (2011); and ‘Abandoning America: Life-stories from Early New England’ (2013).

‘Pilgrims’ was joint runner-up for the 2008 Longman-History Today Book of the Year Award.

Professor Hardman Moore is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.

For many years she was a lay preacher in the Methodist Church. She was recently ordained in the Church of Scotland.