Chair of Psychiatry: Jeremy Hall
Jeremy Hall has been made Chair of Psychiatry.
He is Professor of Psychiatry and a Scottish Senior Clinical Fellow.
Professor Hall studied Biology as an undergraduate at Oxford University before completing pre-clinical medicine at the University of Edinburgh.
He joined the MB/PhD programme at Cambridge University, graduating MB/BChir with a PhD in Experimental Psychology in 2000.
He then trained in Psychiatry in Scotland and joined the Division of Psychiatry at Edinburgh University as a Clinical Lecturer in 2005.
He gained an MRC Postgraduate Research Fellowship in 2007 and was awarded a Scottish Senior Clinical Fellowship in 2010.
Professor Hall’s overarching interest is in the interaction of genetic and environmental risk factors in the development of psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, mood and personality disorders.
He is particularly interested in how the brain adapts and responds to the environment through mechanisms such as changes in gene expression, and how these effects are programmed by early life experience.
Overall he believes that understanding the dynamic response of the genome to environmental stimuli is crucial to the development of new treatments for psychiatric illness.
Outside work he enjoys spending time with his family, singing in the University Chorus and maintaining a small but productive allotment garden.