Guidance and information on the scheme was made available to University staff via SharePoint last week:
Voluntary Severance Scheme SharePoint (EASE Login required)
This site also includes answers to common questions and an estimate calculator so staff can see what voluntary severance would mean for them financially.
Staff are asked to read these materials and if relevant, speak to their line manager before contacting the HR Helpline with any queries.
Heads of School, Registrars, Directors of Professional Services in Colleges, and Professional Services Group Directors have been sent guidance on how to assess applications for Voluntary Severance once the deadline has passed in February. Outcomes will be confirmed in writing to applicants and their line managers by Friday 18 April.
The financial challenges facing the higher education sector and the University mean this is a challenging and uncertain time for University staff. Please speak to your line manager if you have any concerns about yourself or a colleague. Support can also be found on our Staff Health and Wellbeing Hub:
Staff Health and Wellbeing Hub
For the latest updates about the University’s financial position or the steps being taken, please visit the dedicated University finances SharePoint site for further information and FAQs:
University finances SharePoint (EASE Login required)
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