Staff news

Exceptional payment for all staff

A one off payment will recognise the huge contribution staff have made over the past very challenging two years.

All staff are being offered an exceptional payment in recognition of the tremendous efforts made to deliver on the breadth of the University’s work over such difficult times. 

All staff will receive a £500 exceptional payment or pro-rata equivalent for staff who work part-time.

This is in addition to the steps that the University has already taken this year, including doubling investment in our annual staff reward scheme.

We are committed to a fair offering for staff and doing what we can. That commitment underpins the range of generous staff benefits that we already offer, including on flexible working and family friendly policies and our commitment to the Voluntary Living Wage.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will this be paid?

Payment will be made to all staff in the pay run on 28 June 2022.

Who gets it?

All staff who were employed with the University of Edinburgh when the award was announced, on Friday 8 April 2022.  

Is it subject to Tax and NI?

Yes, it is still income and therefore is subject to Tax and NI deductions.  

What if I leave before June payday?

You will still receive a payment as you were employed on Friday 8 April 2022 when the award was announced.

What about staff who work part time?

All part time staff will receive a pro-rated payment based on their contracted hours on Friday 8 April 2022.  See below for overtime and change of hours.

What about overtime hours for part time staff?

We will look at the average hours worked over 12 months from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 for all staff and pro-rate the payment accordingly, to a minimum of £50 and a maximum of £500.

What if I have changed my hours during the year?

Wherever possible, we will adjust the payment to reflect the hours worked, and pro-rate the payment based on the higher of the average or the contracted hours on Friday 8 April 2022. 

What about Guaranteed Hours and Fractional contracts?

Guaranteed Hours and Fractional contracts will be reviewed over 12 months from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 and the average FTE worked will be used to calculate their payment. Staff who joined during the year will have their average FTE worked out over their available months of employment.

What about staff who are on maternity or sick leave?

Staff on maternity or long term sick will receive the payment. 

What if I hold more than one assignment/role with the University?

We will calculate the payment based on all hours worked by each staff member and pro rate the payment to a minimum of £50 and a maximum of £500.

What about staff who work in subsidiary companies?

Each subsidiary company will consider the circumstances in their organisations and will advise their own staff in due course.  

What about contractors?

This payment is for University of Edinburgh employees only.  

Related links

Human Resources: pay and reward