Every three years the University must exercise its statutory duty to re-enrol into a pension arrangement all those employees who have previously opted out of pensions saving.
The University will be carrying out this exercise in January 2022 in time for the January payroll cycle. Employees who have previously opted out of their pension scheme within the last 3 years will be automatically re-enrolled into the appropriate workplace pension scheme with effect from 1 January 2022, should they satisfy the eligibility criteria for automatic enrolment (i.e. are between the age of 22 and state pension age, and earning £833.33 or above per month).
The Schemes we will use for automatic re-enrolment are:
- Those on grades UE01-UE05 or equivalent will be automatically enrolled into the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST)
- Those on grades UE06-UE10 or equivalent will be automatically enrolled into the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS)
Details of the amounts you and the University will pay into each scheme can be found below:
What it costs | The University of Edinburgh
All affected employees will receive a letter in January to inform them of their enrolment into the workplace pension arrangement. This letter will also contain information on how to opt out of pensions savings should the individual want to do so.