Pensions webinars for staff

The University of Edinburgh has organised various presentations and 1:1 sessions to help staff improve their understanding of pensions.

Update 17 February 2021

Due to the demand for 1:1 pensions sessions from staff, the University Finance Department will will be running more 1:1 sessions available from 23 February to 25 March. 

These sessions are intended to answer and support all pension related questions for all employees who are either in a pension scheme or would like to consider joining.

Sessions can discuss: 

  • Joining a pension scheme
  • How your pension scheme works
  • Retirement options
  • Additional contributions
  • And more

You can book available slots by searching 'Pensions 1:1' on MyEd Events. You can specify in comments box what you would like to discuss, and we could ask you to bring any relevant pension documentation e.g Annual Pensions Statements, or login details for on-line review. Once received by the Pensions Office you will be sent a MS Teams invite. 

Please note that the University is not authorised to provide Financial Advice.

Tilney presentations and sessions

A series of of presentations and one-to-one sessions around pension awareness will take place in January and March of this year. The University has arranged for these to be delivered by independent advisors Tilney, who provided similar sessions last year which were well attended and received positive feedback.

Over the last fifteen years, Tilney have been providing bespoke and specific specialist financial planning guidance and advice to all levels of staff in the university sector. Throughout this time, Tilney have gained  knowledge of most university related pension schemes and have built a substantial amount of experience in assisting university staff meet their financial planning objectives efficiently and effectively.       

These webinar presentations will give an overview of the workplace pension arrangements that the University offers and will provide clarity around current financial issues that may affect your pension, including financial wellbeing and specific information for those nearing retirement. 

You will also have the chance to ask any pension-related questions.

Please note the webinars are restricted to 30 attendees per session to allow for a more interactive session and attendance will be on a first come, first serve basis.               

The bookable sessions available are listed below:

Financial Wellbeing webinarw/c 18th January: daily (Mon-Fri)9:30 - 10:30am
1:1 sessionsw/c 18th January: daily (Mon-Fri)11:00am - 4:00pm (each session is 45 minutes long, 2 available per hour)
Financial Wellbeing webinarw/c 1st February: daily (Mon-Fri)9:30 - 10:30am
1:1 sessionsw/c 1st February: daily (Mon-Fri)11:00am - 4:00pm (each session is 45 minutes long, 2 available per hour)
General Retirement webinarw/c 8 March: daily (Mon-Fri)9:30 - 10:30am
1:1 sessionsw/c 8 March: daily (Mon-Fri)11:00am - 4:00pm (each session is 45 minutes long, 2 available per hour)

All webinars and 1:1's are bookable via MyEd (search for Tilney in 'News and Events').

If there is a high booking of the webinars we will review and arrangement more sessions if needed.

If you have any questions, email:

Related links

Finance webpages - Pensions 
