University becomes a Science Council Employer Champion

The Science Council attended the recent University Court meeting to present the University with the Employer Champion award.

The presentation also celebrated the achievements of the University’s Technicians that have recently become professionally registered with the Science Council.

Becoming a Science Council Employer Champion

The Science Council provides a quality assurance system for those working in science, and sets the standards for professional registration for practising scientists and technicians across the UK.

In order to become a Science Council Employer Champion, the University has committed to a range of actions that will ensure we strive towards professional standards, invest in our staff, and contribute to the creation of a new generation of technicians and scientists at the University.

These actions include:

  • Championing the value of becoming professionally registered
  • Ensuring access to professional development opportunities
  • Formally recognising staff who have achieved professional registration with the Science Council

This is particularly important for our Technicians, and forms an important part of the existing Technician Commitment.

The University of Edinburgh is proud to be have been awarded Employer Champion status by the Science Council in recognition of our support for the Technician Commitment. Our 1,000 strong technician community are essential to the university’s delivery of excellence in teaching and research and we are pleased to support them in this way.

Professor Moira Whyte

Vice Principal and Head of the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine

Celebrating our Technicians

As part of Court proceedings, Technicians at the University who have recently completed the professional registration process were awarded with their certificates.

Becoming professionally registered with the Science Council provides independent recognition of the achievements of our Technicians, and demonstrates the standards required to join the global community of professional scientists.

By being part of the professional registration process, the University is given a framework for developing talent and rewarding high standards at all levels of the science workforce.

Related links

Science Council Employer Champion website

University of Edinburgh Technician Commitment
