Staff news

Senate meeting: 3 February 2016

The next meeting of the University Senate takes place on Wednesday 3 February.

Edinburgh Global

The thematic focus for the presentation and discussion at the next Senate meeting is internationalisation and the University’s new Edinburgh Global Plan to be launched this year. The presentation and discussion section of Senate meetings are now open to all staff.

Delivering Global Impact

The next phase of the University’s global engagement will see an accelerating pace of change in international higher education and research, demanding world challenges and rising expectations.

The gap is growing between the very best universities, which can make the biggest impact, and the rest. The Edinburgh Global Plan will outline how we will seek to advance our engagement across three thematic areas, global partnerships, global community and global exchange.

The presentation and discussion will focus on the importance of global engagement to the University, hear from international student perspectives and seek input from Senate into the drafting of the new Edinburgh Global Plan.


  • Professor James Smith, Vice Principal International
  • Alan Mackay, Director, International Office
  • International Student representatives

Meeting Details

Wednesday 3 February 2016, 2pm - 4pm, Auditorium B, Chancellor’s Building, Little France.

Staff who are interested in attending the meeting must book a place through MyEd due to venue capacity requirements.


Link to MyEd

Related Links

Senatus Academicus