Senate meeting: 28 September 2016

The next meeting of the University Senate takes place on Wednesday 28 September.

The thematic focus for the presentation and discussion at the next Senate meeting is Interdisciplinarity. The presentation and discussion section of Senate meetings are now open to all staff.


How can we strengthen our culture and expectations of high performance in interdisciplinary research, learning, and knowledge exchange?

Most researchers and students agree that interdisciplinary is a good thing. Real world challenges do not fit neatly within the boundaries of academic disciplines, so addressing them demands that we work together, across those borders. In the process, disciplines can be invigorated by exposure to ideas from elsewhere. Yet interdisciplinary research does not just happen of its own accord, and there are many obstacles on the road to successful collaboration. Among them are questions about: money, recognition, space, and time. If we teach together in new ways, where does resource flow to? Do funders (and REF panels) actually punish rather than reward interdisciplinarity? And does anyone have time for anything other than “core business”? Discussion on the topic will be primed by presentations which celebrate success stories, and point out pitfalls.


  • Christine Bell – Global Justice Academy
  • Chris Speed – Design Informatics
  • Gary Jebb – Estates and Buildings
  • Zoe Marks – Global Development Academy
  • Catherine Lyall – Science, Technology and Innovation Studies
  • Jon Oberlander - Informatics

Meeting Details

Wednesday 28 September 2016, 2pm - 4pm, Room G07/G07A, Informatics Forum, Crichton Street.

Staff who are interested in attending the meeting must book a place through MyEd due to venue capacity requirements.


Link to MyEd

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Senatus Academicus