The lunchtime event will be held in the Chancellor’s Building on Monday 25 April from 12.00-13.00.
Attendees will find out more about how the University is run and governed, and have the opportunity to meet members of the University’s governing body - the University Court.
You can reserve your place at the event here:
University Court
The University Court is the University’s ultimate decision making body.
It has overall responsibility for agreeing the University’s strategic direction, including matters relating to finance, estates, the student experience, staff, information technology and oversight of the University management.
Event programme
In addition to hearing more about the Court, its responsibilities/remit and the role of the Rector and Vice-Convener, the Principal will give an update on how the University is currently performing.
There will also be an opportunity to ask the Principal and members of the University Court questions.
Presentations will start promptly at 12.00. Light refreshments will be provided from 13.00 following the presentations and questions.
If you have any queries regarding the event, please email: