Election of Senate Assessors
Two ordinary term vacancies (1 August 2016 to 31 July 2020) have arisen for Senate Assessors on the University Court.
Following a nomination process (started at the meeting of Senate on 3 February 2016), seven candidates have been put forward for the positions.
Electronic election
An electronic election will take place between 09.00 on Wednesday 16 and 19.00 on Thursday 17 March to fill the two positions.
The seven candidates are as follows:
1. Bomberg, Elizabeth
2. Ingram, David
3. Leach, David
4. Palattiyil, George
5. Tudhope, Alexander (Sandy)
6. Viola, Ignazio Maria
7. Walsh, Patrick
All Senate members are eligible to vote in the election. Voting will be via the ‘Online Voting’ section of MyEd, and the Alternative Vote system will be used.
Further information about the election (including biographical information about each of the candidates) is available at: https://www.ed.ac.uk/academic-services/committees/senate/membership/assessor-election