Court meeting: 25 April 2016

The University Court had its most recent meeting on 25 April.

We publish regular updates on matters discussed at all Court meetings, during which members consider matters of strategic importance to the University.

Meetings of the Court are held five times a year.

Governing body

The Court is the University’s governing body and its legal persona.

With a focus on strategic direction, it takes the final decisions on issues of fundamental concern to the wellbeing of the University.

Detailed information on the membership and activities of the University Court, including meeting agendas, papers and minutes, is available online.

Detailed information on University Court

Summary of Court meeting: 25 April 2016

The following reports are summaries of a selection of items discussed and agreed at Court on 25 April.

Appointment of Assistant Principals

Court approved the following appointments:

  • Professor Jon Oberlander as Assistant Principal Data Technology with immediate effect until 31 July 2019
  • Professor Siân Bayne as Assistant Principal Digital Education from 1 September 2016 to 31 July 2018
  • Ms Melissa Highton as Assistant Principal Online Learning from 1 September 2016 to 31 July 2018.

Extensions of office: Vice-Principals and Assistant Principals

Court approved the following extensions of terms of office for:

  • Professor Charlie Jeffery as Senior Vice-Principal until 31 July 2018
  • Professor Dorothy Miell as Vice-Principal and Head of the College of Humanities and Social Science  until 31 July 2018
  • Professor Jeremy Bradshaw as Assistant Principal Researcher Development until 31 July 2019.

Quartermile Development

Following the acquisition of the former Surgical Hospital in December 2015, Court received an update on progress and a request for approval for enabling works to be undertaken. £10.3M funding to allow the investigative and detailed surveys to be progressed, enabling and strip out works, asbestos and demolition packages, for related professional fees and for other costs incurred in progressing the work packages was approved.

Quartermile development

Outcome Agreement 2016-17

The 2016-17 single year update to the existing 2014-17 Outcome Agreement with the Scottish Funding Council was approved and authority delegated to the Deputy Secretary, Strategic Planning for submission following the announcement of final funding allocations.

Outcome agreement

Student Experience Update

The Senior Vice-Principal presented an update on work to embed the unambiguous priority of learning and teaching at the University, including reporting on an on-going schedule of open meetings with staff in all twenty schools, a review of support for disabled students and a consultation on possible changes to the academic year dates from 2018/19 onwards.

Disability support

Review of the academic year

Enhancement-Led Institutional Review (ELIR) Report

The publication by the Quality Assurance Agency of the report on the University’s Enhancement-Led Institutional Review and actions underway to address areas for development identified were noted. Court thanked Assistant Principal Professor Tina Harrison and all those involved in the successful review process.

ELIR report

Other items

Court received a briefing note on the Higher Education Governance Bill, an update on the proposed City Deal for the Edinburgh region, an update from EUSA and reports from its Committees on activities being undertaken in support of Court. Court also approved the recommendations of the Nominations Committee in respect of appointments to the Curators of Patronage.

Further information on the remit and work of Court and its Committees can be found online.

Court and Committees