Community on Senate agenda

The theme for the presentation and discussion section of the next Senate meeting is ‘the University in the community’.

The meeting will be held on 4 June.

Staff are invited to attend the presentation and discussion section of the meeting, but must first book a place through MyEd.

Senate meeting

Wednesday 4 June 2014, 2.00pm

Wednesday 4 June 2014, 3.30pm

Michael Swann Lecture Theatre, Michael Swann Building

Find the Michael Swann Building on Campus maps

Book a place through MyEd

Range of speakers

The University is committed to community engagement through the exchange of knowledge, resources and skills.

A number of internal and external speakers will give presentations on this theme, including:

  • Professor Mary Bownes, Senior Vice-Principal External Engagement
  • Heather Rea, Project Lead, Beltane Public Engagement Network
  • EUSA representatives from voluntary and community groups
  • Dr Sue Rigby, Vice-Principal Learning and Teaching
  • Moira Gibson, External Affairs Manager, Communications and Marketing