Science on show

Edinburgh academics will take part in a range of events to showcase the fascinating and funny nature of science at the Midlothian Science Festival.

To be staged 4-19 October, the festival will feature more than 100 events, including talks, tours, film screenings and outdoor activities.

141003 Science on show

Easter Bush Open Day

A main feature of the festival will be the Easter Bush Open Day, on Saturday 4 October.

Buildings at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Roslin Institute and Scotland’s Rural College will be open to the public 12pm-4pm, and scientists and vets will be on hand to discuss their work.

Ticketed events include an Ugly Animals Show presented by writer and science communicator Simon Watt, and a Superhero Genetics Show, which will examine real-life mutations in human and animal DNA.

Range of events

Edinburgh academics will host a range of other festival events around Midlothian throughout October, including:

Science Alive Gala Day

Shows and activities, including simulated brain surgery at Neurotheatre ‘Live’ Neurosurgery and a Chocolate Alchemy Workshop.

Science in the Saddle

A 20-mile cycle, starting and ending at the Roslin Institute, to show how Edinburgh researchers are working to improve the health and welfare of farm animals globally.

Meet the Cows

A guided tour of the Vet School’s Langhill Farm to showcase 21st-century dairy farming and to offer the chance to ‘meet’ the University’s herd of Holstein Friesians.