Fifteen academics will join a distinguished Fellowship of more than 1,500 members in disciplines spanning the arts, business, science and technology. New Fellows are elected each year following a rigorous nomination process
University Fellows
The staff members elected to become RSE Fellows are:
School of Biological Sciences
- Professor Judith Allen
- Professor Mark Blaxter
- Professor Keith Matthews
- Professor Andrew Rambaut
School of Chemistry
- Professor Peter Tasker
School of Clinical Sciences
- Professor Anna Glasier OBE
School of Informatics
- Professor Don Sannella
School of Law
- Professor Susan McVie
School of Literatures, Languages & Cultures
- Professor Natascha Gentz
School of Mathematics
- Professor Ben Leimkuhler
- Professor Jacques Vanneste
School of Molecular, Genetic & Population Health Sciences
- Professor Sarah Cunningham-Burley
- Professor Andrew Jackson
School of Physics & Astronomy
- Professor Malcolm McMahon
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- Professor Peter Simmonds
Role model
This year, the RSE has also nominated several role models who will encourage young women to excel in their chosen professions.
These include Professor Anna Glasier OBE, Honorary Professor in the School of Clinical Sciences and a world leader in the study of sexual and reproductive health.
The RSE is a leading educational charity set up to provide public benefit throughout Scotland.
Its work includes awarding research funding, leading major enquiries, informing public policy and delivering events designed to inspire knowledge and learning.