Edinburgh is one of 30 institutions participating in a national trial of Equality Challenge Unit’s (ECU) race equality charter mark.
ECU is a national higher education equality body that works to further and support equality and diversity for staff and students in higher education.
By taking part in ECU’s trial, the University will be working to improve the representation, progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students.
I am very pleased that ECU has chosen the University to be a participant in the race equality charter mark. The University is fully committed to all aspects of equality. We are looking forward to using the charter mark to further develop strategies that enable everyone at Edinburgh to achieve their desired goals.
Professor Jane NormanVice-Principal Equality & Diversity
Progression and planning
Universities that show progression in addressing racial inequalities over the next year, alongside action plans for future work, will be able to submit for an ECU charter mark award in spring 2015.
Following the trial, it is intended that the charter mark will be open to all higher education institutions in the UK in 2015.